St. John Hiking Trails

Hiking is one of the most popular activities to do while on St. John. With over 20 hiking trails, in varying degrees of difficulty, there are a lot to choose from. 

Do’s :

  • Consider Guided tours.
  • Check the weather.
  • Always notify friends where and when you will return. 
  • Pick a trail best suited for your physical ability.
  • Always bring a map and/or compass (waterproof or enclosed in a ziplock baggie).
  • Allow ample time for rest stops and water breaks. Remember, this is a tropical island. Don’t become dehydrated – bring plenty of water to drink. Drinkable water is NOT available on the trails. 
  • Always stay on the trails and do not cross Private Property lines. Wear comfortable shoes, never sandals. Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing. Bring a hat, sunscreen, and a watch.
  • Always check with the National Park to get the latest trail condition report. Depending on the season, some trails could be dangerous to travel.


  • Don’t hike alone! 
  • Don’t pack more than you can carry.
  • Don’t touch any plants that are unfamiliar to you.
  • Don’t feed any animals you may encounter.
  • Don’t Litter!

North Shore Trails

Annaberg Area – 0.2 mile, 30 minutes

Mangrove forest and shallow reef flats with plenty of wildlife sighting opportunities. Self-guiding walking tour of Annaberg Sugar Mill Ruins up the hill from the picnic area. Scenic overlook.

Cinnamon Bay Self-Guiding Trail – 0.5 mile, approx… 1 hour

A historic and nature loop trail that passes through old sugar factory sites and tropical trees. Trail begins east of the entrance road into Cinnamon Bay Campground.

Lind Point Trail – 1.1 miles, 1 hour

One of the most popular trails on St. John and are great if you only have a short time allotted for hiking. The trail connects the National Park Visitor Center in Cruz Bay with Honeymoon Beach at Caneel. Trail climbs to scenic Lind Point overlook (elev. 160 ft.) The small trail also to Honeymoon or Salomon Beach.

Caneel Hill Trail – 2.4 miles, 2 hours

Joins Cruz Bay village with Northshore Road entrance to Caneel Bay. A 0.8-mile climb from Cruz Bay leads to the scenic overlook atop Caneel Hill (elev. 719 ft.) The trail continues uphill (elev. 848 ft.) then descends to Northshore Road through the forest.

Caneel Hill Spur Trail – 0.8 miles, 40 minutes

Starts from Lind Point trail and crosses the Northshore Rdz at a point overlooking Cruz Bay and Caneel Bay.

Water Catchment Trail – 1.0 mile, 30 minutes

Forest trail located between Centerline Road and the Northshore Road. The trail joins the Caneel Hill trail at certain points.

Turtle Point Trail – 0.6 mile, 30 minutes

The trail begins at the north end of Caneel Bay Plantation. Enter the property through the main gate. Register at the front desk.

Cinnamon Bay Trail – 1.1 miles, approx. 1 hour

Starting about 80 yards east of the entrance road into the Campground, the forested trail goes uphill to meet with Centerline Road.

Leinster Bay Trail/Road – 0.8 mile, approx. 30 minutes

Follow the old Danish Road eastward along the seashore from the Annaberg picnic site to Waterlemon Bay. Good boat anchorage and swimming. Snorkeling is excellent around Waterlemon Cay.

South Shore Trails

Ram’s Head Trail – 1.0 mile, 1 hour

Rocky Trail begins at the south end of Salt Pond Bay Beach. Switchbacks up a hillside to crest 200 feet above the Caribbean Sea. Magnificent scenery. Dangerous footing areas. –

Reef Bay Trail – 2.2 miles, 2 hours

Very popular-This descending trail begins 4.9 miles east of Cruz Bay on Centerline Road. Visible remains of four sugar plantations. Picnic site and toilets by Reef Bay sugar mill, close to the beach. (Remember, there are no lifeguards). National Park Service give Guided hikes regularly.

Petroglyph Trail – 0.2, 15 minutes

The trail starts 1.5 miles down the Reef Say trail. Rock carvings attributed to early Indians.

Lameshur Bay Trail – 1.5 miles, 1 hour 15 minutes

The trail connects Lameshur Bay and Reef Bay trail. Dry open and forest hiking. 1.2 miles from the Reef Bay junction a spur trail leads 0.3 miles to a salt pond and the coral beach at Europa.

Yawzi Point Trail – 0.3 miles, 20 minutes

The trail leads from Little Lameshur Bay Road (near the beach) through scrub vegetation to isolated private coves.Small rocky beaches can be accessed by side trails for a quiet snorkel entry spot.

Bordeaux Mountain Trail – 1.2 miles, 1 hour 30 minutes

The steep trail connecting shady Bordeaux Mountain Road with Lameshur Bay approximately 1,000 feet below.

Salt Pond Bay Trail – 0.2 miles, 15 minutes

The trail begins at the parking area 3.9 miles south of Coral Bay. The trail leads down to Salt Pond Beach and picnic area and cactus area. The dramatic views make this a great sunset hike.

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